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4 Alternatives to the Bouquet/Garter Toss

Bouquet and Garter Toss Alternative

The tradition of the bouquet and garter toss has come a long way from where it originated.

Decades ago, wedding reception guests would do anything they could to try and take a piece of the bride's gown, since it was seen as extremely good luck. As you can imagine, that left the couple feeling very tense throughout the night. Instead of waiting for a mob of guests to attack them, the groom decided to toss the garter into the crowd, which allowed the guests to fight over it while the newlyweds made a hasty escape.

Or so legend tells us.

Whether you just don't feel comfortable having your new spouse "hunt" for your garter or you feel the tradition is a bit overdone, here are 4 alternatives to the bouquet/garter toss.

1. Anniversary Dance- This is also referred to as the "married couples dance." Your DJ/MC will invite all of the couples onto the dance floor to share a dance with the newlyweds. After 30 seconds or so, the DJ/MC will ask all of the couples to leave the dance floor who have been married for less than 1 hour. Your guests will have a good laugh as you and your new spouse leave the dance floor to join the rest of your guests. After that, your DJ/MC will increase the length of marriage until the one couple who has been married the longest is left spinning around the dance floor. You can give your bouquet to them as a special gift, or you can have them share their biggest piece of wedding advice.

2. Girls Only Dance- Instead of getting just the single ladies out on the dance floor, invite all of the women in your life out on the dance floor for one special song. You can pick an empowering song like Beyonce's "Who Run The World (Girls)" or something funny like the Spice Girl's "If You Wanna Be My Lover."

3. Toss "Themed" Objects- Many couple's today have fun with their wedding by adding a theme. Instead of tossing the bouquet and garter, choose an item to toss that is in line with your theme. That way you can still "pass on the torch" without using the same old tradition.

4. Skip It All Together- Trust us, no one is going to be crying over more time spent with you instead of time being spent watching you do the bouquet and garter toss. If you and your fiance want to spend more time dancing the night away, then skip it all together.

We hope you found these 4 alternatives to the bouquet/garter toss helpful! For more unique wedding reception ideas, contact our team today!

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